Large Bird Coops
Special Order. Please contact us to place an order for any of our water system products.
Shipping must be calculated on a per order basis.
Special Order. Please contact us to place an order for any of our water system products.
Shipping must be calculated on a per order basis.
Our Large Bird Coops are made for two specific purposes: They are made larger to accommodate large birds that do not comfortably fit in conventional nests, as well as, they service the needs of heavy pedigree breeders. These Large Bird Coops are considerably taller (24” tall) and deeper (13” deep) than our conventional nesting boxes. They are also equipped with a 10” front opening. They are constructed of heavy duty plastic and galvanized metal that allows for sanitization of the unit, as well as the extra support required by the larger fowl. Use of these nests on larger birds will help eliminate the occurrence of floor eggs. Please note: All nesting boxes are sold by special order. Please contact us for a shipping quote and to place an order.